Ivy Nail & Spa w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneIvy Nail & Spa



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3434, Washington Boulevard, 22201, Arlington, Arlington County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 703-522-0030
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.8856675, Longitude: -77.1018022

komentarze 5

  • sherika samuels

    sherika samuels


    Racist spa! Been there twice and they never offer me a drink or a mini back rub after my pedi and mani! My white friend gets offered all the time! Crazy! Never going back , they don't treat all customer equally

  • Jo Sammie

    Jo Sammie


    Great service. Great nails. They massaged so vwell & the chairs are great. Complimentary beverage as well. U have to pay tip with. They should say that. No atm😞

  • en

    chelsi myers


    I've only been here twice, but they do an amazing job. I've had Ben both times and he is always very patient. He brings his own stylus to work so customers can use it while there's foil on. Not to mention they give cookies and water. I recently tried the SNS my natural nails always break, but they are SO LONG ! I haven't broken a single one since coming here.

  • en

    Michelle Johnson


    The show was s run by Annette, a kind and professional woman. She remembers her clients and what's important to them. I've been using the salon for almost four years and refuse to go anywhere else I. The area. The job is always done to perfection!

  • Rachael Kozolup

    Rachael Kozolup


    This place is my favorite. Not only is it professional, but the staff is very nice and very personable. They offer the standard services: manis, pedis, gel manicures, waxing services etc., and also offer refreshments. I've gotten my nails done by each of the ladies there and they have always turned out great. Anette is the best and will try everything she can to accommodate your schedule. I would suggest an appointment as they are very popular.

najbliższy Salon piękności

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