iStorage Deer Valley i Phoenix

Forenede StateriStorage Deer Valley



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17811, North 25th Avenue, 85023, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 602-993-0666
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.647546, Longitude: -112.112021

kommentar 5

  • en

    Postwar Pryor


    Only been here twice for uhaul rental and there not open from the time I show up to deliver the truck on time both times. The lady strolls in randomly and it's not even meal hours or even close to closing. The lady is also very difficult to talk to due to knowledge of her job and made the whole process too lengthy. Other than that it was fine I guess.

  • Natasha Richter

    Natasha Richter


    Vary friendly! So much nicer then the other storage units next to them by far!! Vary helpful! The lady we talked with Glenda she welcomed us with a beautiful smile and she was clear, honest and very helpful with decision-making. I would recommend them to anyone! Also great prices & Vary Clean!!

  • en

    Steven Spittle


    They are great people. Love to help with all your needs.

  • Donna B

    Donna B


    If you have to have a storage this is a great place to go. Great service, fair prices

  • Stacie E

    Stacie E


    Didn't end up renting a storage from here because the lady I was working with would not be up front about anything and was borderline dishonest. She demanded my credit card and when I asked the amount she would charge, she explains she will explain it to me in a minute. After the card was charged she then explains she added a $25 administration fee (she never told me about) and then she charged me for a "full month" when I asked what day that was, it turns out it was for only 2 weeks. On top of everything else, the lady I was working with refused to take accountability or apologize and guaranteed I wouldn't find anything comparable. Went to public storage, $50, everything was included (the administration fee, the insurance, the rent rate) and it was for a full 30 days. I wasted almost an hour here.... save your time and look elsewhere

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