Island Sound Inc en New York

Estados UnidosIsland Sound Inc



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3735, Victory Boulevard, 10314, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-370-1100
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.598232, Longitude: -74.180927

comentarios 5

  • en

    edan darmoni


    Great service very satisfied with the installation of my nav and back up cam. Joe was a true gentleman and a man of his word. Deff reccomending him to all my friends n family

  • Alhaji Nyallay

    Alhaji Nyallay


    This is the worst place i have ever seen on the island, they do not even deserve a single star when its comes to Car Stereo Installation on any kind of cars. They will damage your car stereo and put scratches on your car. I STRONGLY advice you not to do business with this kind of company. They are NOT reliable at ALL and most of their parts are default some can not even serve your pospose at the end.

  • en

    Cisco Bencebi


    I am very surprised that they got some good reviews because I went in with my car I had one headlight out which are HIDs and my ballast is under my headlight and the owner try to force me to buy HID Ballast and install it and charge me a arm an a leg....he says just let the brain outside...? when my ballast is installed under my I say what do I do with the ballast under my head light...he said it's no good so install the 1 he was selling me an leave the old 1 in the head light which makes no sense.... I was told the ballast under my headlight is wrong and I have to use the ballast he was selling me which is the ballast I'm supposed to be using and if he knew about cars he would know the correct ballast goes under my headlight..he needs to learn how to talk to people because he didn't get the SALE an knew what I was talking about so he was mad an he rushed me out with my hood still open an wires exposed...all because I didn't let u charge me 100 for a bulb an 50 for a ballast...i wouldn't recommend him to my worst enemy Go To Arlington Street is a guy over there that knows what he talks about and doesn't try to rape you on the price

  • en

    Allan M Morales


    Excellent place . Reasonable price and the staff know what they doing ...

  • en

    Daniel Joszpe


    After 3 unsuccessful attempts at well known repair shops, I took my car in to Island Sound to repair an electrical problem. The other shops said there was an electrical problem with the alarm system, yet they couldn't resolve it. Joe, the electrician at Island Sound, took the car in immediately, and within 10 minutes located the problem. I was standing by his side, as he did a play by play of what he was looking for. The problem turned out to be with the wires leading into the ignition system. Joe uncovered what others could not. The man is a true master at his profession. Also, his price was extremely reasonable. I am very appreciative for the great service, and I highly recommend Island Sound.

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