Island w Garden City

Stany ZjednoczoneIsland



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177, 7th Street, 11530, Garden City, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-248-2481
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.7254691, Longitude: -73.6350327

komentarze 5

  • en

    C C


    My wonderful daughter went to The Islands in Garden City to buy me a Christmas gift. She works part time while in high school and parted with $48.00+tx to buy me a beautiful cosmetics bag. The only problem was that I had the same one. When I went to exchange the gift, I was told that I waited too long and that they can’t do anything. I had no idea that had such a restrictive return policy. When I pushed to speak to a manager, they offered to give me half credit of $24.00. The upsetting part is that the manager wouldn’t even come out to speak to me, even though I asked to speak to her. I buy a lot from Lilly Pulitzer’s web site and this store might have been a new place for me to shop. They not only lost what could have been a new customer, but they made my daughter feel bad. My daughter decided that she didn’t want to lose half her money and told me to keep the bag. She had to work 5 hours to buy me this bag. The funny part is that if they had given me the full price as credit, I probably would have spent 4 times that much as I spotted a tote bag I liked. Do not shop at this store if you return items or want flexibility. I suggest using Lilly’s website. They are super nice at customer service and the returns are very easy and they give you your money back. They also have many specials and give you gifts when you spend money on their items, which is how I got my first $48.00 cosmetics bag for free.

  • Sue Roach

    Sue Roach


    My husband spent over 300$ at this store on gifts for me . I didn't like them and could only get store credit, no refunds. Had to spend it all on things I didn't really want What a rip off.

  • Maureen Keenan

    Maureen Keenan


    I shop here and another Lilly signature store on the island! I called to see if they had a much needed lilly item for christmas, that was sold out online. Not only did they have it in stock, but they were having a black friday promo on it! Will be back again soon!

  • Maggie Dailey

    Maggie Dailey


    The Island is the best place to shop when looking for something sophisticated and elegant. They have an array of various styles and sizes. The staff is extremely helpful and patient. Everytime I walk into the store i always out with something in my hand! Just love that store!

  • en

    Beth Johnson


    Great experience at the Lilly store. Absolutely love the dress I bought for myself and my daughter. The staff was very helpful in finding a dress for my youngest daughter as she is 13 years old and in that awkward clothing age. They found a size 00 for her and with much time and patience were able to find the perfect Lilly dress for her. I was also able to pick up Lilly wine glasses for a gift and the best part was that they gift wrapped it for me

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