Isabella's Creations w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneIsabella's Creations



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6624, 11th Avenue, 11219, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 347-464-8845
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6277091, Longitude: -74.0073194

komentarze 5

  • en

    Erica Diaz


    I ordered a trolls birthday cake for my daughter second birthday and I was beyond happy with it not to mention the price very reasonable and my daughter loved it I will be getting one for my son and my gender reveal

  • en

    Simone Pitts


    I have used Isabella’s for my baby shower, my mother’s 60th, my aunts 60th, and my aunts 50th. They are beyond professional. The cakes are always delicious. They communicate very well and are always on time. Besides that the cakes have been BEAUTIFUL every time. No place better.

  • en

    Phil Scandariato


    Isabellas Creations makes the best cakes! They're always what I ask for or pictured. Not only does it look amazing every time but it tastes delicious! I always get asked where I get my cakes from. Only the best!!

  • en

    Aamna Bergamaschi


    Horrible job! She put edible paper for my son’s batman emblem on my son’s cake, the batman looked super fake, the picture I sent her was a matte cake she made my cake glossy! The cake didn’t taste anything like the one I tasted prior to putting in my order in. Jessica (the owner) she mixed regular frosting with cannoli and the cannoli was missing the chocolate chips that I tasted. Very very very disappointed and disgusted with the details! Don’t waste your money! Don’t go here!!!

  • Maria Justo Silva

    Maria Justo Silva


    How can I start on how much I LOVE Isabella's Creations!! Her cakes are out of this world!!! I highly recommend ordering a cake, cupcakes, and any other sweets she makes for any occasion. She takes great pride in her work and when you see and take that first bit you know she's done that. PLEASE Take it from me anything you order with be the talk of your event! You can't go wrong. 5 STARS IS JUST NOT ENOUGH!!!!

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