Ipex Home Supply w North Bergen

Stany ZjednoczoneIpex Home Supply



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8825, Tonnele Avenue, 07047, North Bergen, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-869-0400
strona internetowej: www.ipexhomesupply.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.81173, Longitude: -74.012188

komentarze 5

  • en

    Kenneth Fuehring


    Never order anything custom from them! Even going down in person and pointing to items that you want will not guarantee your order is accurate. They will order the wrong item, and then once you get it and tell them it’s wrong, they tell you that’s what you ordered, too bad, and “we don’t make mistakes”. I drove an hour and 20 minutes to their location, took their salesman directly to the cabinet that I wanted, color, style, and timeframe was discussed. He typed away, 10 minutes later, I get the invoice, and everything seems okay. The color listed on the invoice was close enough to what I thought the color would have been called, so I didn’t even second guess it, because just 10 minutes prior, I pointed and touched the one I wanted. 4 weeks later, my cabinets arrive, and they are the wrong color and style. But because they had it on the invoice that way, I am stuck with it. They want $2500 to swap them out, and that’s doing ME a favor. The “owner” Jim, is not professional. While trying to work out this issue, he tells me he has a customer and can’t talk to me anymore. I AM A CUSTOMER! He tells me he doesn’t make mistakes, and that I ordered it the way I got it. I wasn’t aware that I typed in the order, cashed the check I wrote him, and assembled all of this myself. Do not do business with these guys. They can’t admit when they made a mistake, and they don’t know how to handle it when they do.

  • en

    Rick Grimes


    I would never walk in their again! This place is the worst!

  • en

    james ipekci


    In response to Piero Fasolo, the order was placed 5/10/17. While there was a major delay from my supplier, it did not take 3 months to come in. We received your order with some back orders which was not in our control. Every time you had called we were on the phone with our supplier trying to get answers. We had the delivery set up for you and only your wife was there to accept the delivery, but our policy for all deliveries are sidewalk only. It was not because we wanted to give you a hard time, we are just not allowed to go into any houses. You then advised us to wait for you to tell us which day you could accept the delivery, but then decided to pick up from us instead. As for the display coming down, that had nothing to do with completing your order. We removed the cabinets because it was sold as part of our display sale and because we are no longer using that supplier due to the issues in your review. The cabinets would have to come opened because they are assembled here and re wrapped in the packaging. That is how they all come, it does not mean they are used cabinets. The issue of the employee responding like that, if that did happen it was not brought to our attention while you were here in which we would have handled that kind of attitude immediately. We do not take that kind of response lightly and a past employee was fired for that because it was brought up immediately. Lastly, the issue with being paid, that is standard procedure. If any of our customers have any issues we do not run from them just because we got paid.

  • en

    Piero Fasolo


    HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE!!!!!! Where do I begin? I'll keep it short. 3 months to get my cabinets that were promised within 3 weeks. Got the mother of all runarounds. Finally after constant nagging on my part I got the call that everything was in and ready for delivery. Set up delivery date and had my wife waiting to receive it at the house. They told me that they wouldn't carry the pieces in. I then cancelled delivery and set up a pick up where I went to get them myself. I had to pay in full before even seeing anything. I also noticed that the display that we chose from was dismantled, possibly to complete our order. After waiting for someone in the warehouse to help us or give us the cabinets, one of their employees shows up with a hand truck and a bunch of opened and re-taped boxes that was complete mess. I asked him to help us load the truck and he replied, "Haha, I don't work for you!" Needless to say, all they cared about was getting paid. ZERO customer service, ZERO reliability. I will never return to that place!!!!!!! If I ran my business like that, I'd be out of business.

  • Simon Levin

    Simon Levin


    Awful service. Delayed the order by a week. Obnoxious staff. Stay away.

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