Iozzo's Garden of Italy w Indianapolis

Stany ZjednoczoneIozzo's Garden of Italy



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946, South Meridian Street, 46225, Indianapolis, Marion County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 317-974-1100
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.754235, Longitude: -86.159448

komentarze 5

  • en

    Bev Dolcetti


    The staff is very friendly and accommodating. Anthony was an excellent server attentive but not over baring and knowledgeable. The Caesar salad wasn’t great, dressing no taste and poor quality lettuce. The sauce on the pasta was great but the veal was a little chewy. Dress is from extremely casual to smart casual. Atmosphere fun.

  • en

    Jay Keenan


    Found this gem by Google search while in Indy on business. The place is unbelievable. Ask about the history and pick anything off the menu. It is well worth it. Finish off the meal with homemade lemon cello. Next time I am in town I will be back. I had the smoked mozzarella ravioli with a side of meatballs and I am still in awe. My friends had the lasagna and 1 of them spent years in Italy... he was blown away.

  • en

    Bill Lehmann


    Everything very good. Prompt seating - even though we arrived about 30 minutes prior to our reservations. Attentive service. Everyone (4 of us) at our table enjoyed their meals. Great desert - the Sea Salt Brownie. Very good in all areas! Definitely a place to visit again.

  • Jim Osborne

    Jim Osborne


    Decided to try the place on a whim. Stopped by and was able to get a table almost immediately. It was 5:30 to 6 pm on Friday evening which really surprised us. Staff was very knowledgeable, very courteous. Food was excellent. My son and I both got the chicken marsala and it was among the best prepared chicken marsala I've had. My wife got the Italian wedding soup and the calamari appetizer for her dinner. We each tried the two dips that came with the calamari and they were excellent. We will definitely be back again.

  • en

    Gary Mo


    Nice cozy eatery. Great food and good selection of drinks. Staff are very friendly and helpful. The location is not the greatest for dinner, but if you work close by it's a nice place for lunch.

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