Interstate Toyota w Monsey

Stany ZjednoczoneInterstate Toyota



🕗 godziny otwarcia

411, New York 59, 10952, Monsey, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-352-6200
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.1093867, Longitude: -74.0887526

komentarze 5

  • paula martino

    paula martino


    They were honest and ready to make a deal. Go visit ask to see Darcy. He was sweet honest and willing to do what it takes to get me the best deal. Glenn the finance manager was awesome to deal with. He was a straight shooter.

  • Emmanuel Barron

    Emmanuel Barron


    The staff at interstate Toyota are the best. We got taken care of by Irene Fernandez who guided us step by step to resolve our situation. Attentive all the way with our needs. She introduced to us a beautiful top of the line 2018 Highlander that was love at first sight. Along side with her we also met finance director Glenn Reggio who was straight forward with what was the best way to go with our lease. I will be recommending my colleagues and friends that are looking forward on getting a new car to come to these guys. You guys are the best. Once again thanks for everything.

  • en

    Richard Fernandez


    Thank you to Interstate Toyota for getting me a great deal on our new Toyota Highlander. We had such a fabulous experience deal with Irene as our sales associate. She was knowledgeable and made the process nice and smooth. Definitely would recommend to a family member or friend.

  • Garrick Vital-Herne

    Garrick Vital-Herne


    Extremely nice staff, they were really willing to work with you. My mother recommended going here and she's been going to Interstate Toyota since 2005. They also drove us back home with no hassle at all. I can't wait for my next visit

  • en

    Bill Schlink


    My wife and I had an amazing experience at Interstate Toyota this afternoon. Anthony Lekocevic provided 5 star service and got us in and out in no time. Anthony was courteous and professional and very accommodating. We couldn’t have asked for a better ‘car buying experience’! The process was smooth and painless, which is rare when buying a car these days. The whole crew was great! Anthony, Fabio and Juan made us feel welcome and got us into a beautiful 4Runner in under 2 hours! We will certainly be purchasing our next vehicle from Interstate Toyota! Thanks guys!

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