Intensive Financial Service Inc,CPA i New York

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1796 Vyse Avenue, Suite # S3, Bronx, NY 10460, США
kontakter telefon: +1 718-378-2610
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Latitude: 40.837977, Longitude: -73.885168

kommentar 5

  • True Theater

    True Theater


    If I could give Sedgwick 10 stars I would! I cannot tell you enough how amazing the service is at Intensive Financial Services Inc. If you are looking for HONEST, DETAILED, DEDICATED & PROFESSIONALLY TAILORED SERVICE, WITH CLEAR COMMUNICATION, Sedgwick is your man! You will not be disappointed! This is the company that goes the Extra Mile! This is a company to do business with for years to come.

  • en

    Toshira Riojas


    The service is excellent. I have been using his service for 3 years.He is very clear and precise in what he does. I highly recommend his services. He is very competent in his field.

  • Essie Hayes

    Essie Hayes


    I have been a client of Intensive Financial Services for two years. Sedgwick Iyasere, CPA at Intensive Financial Services, has provided great tax advice and services lessening my tax burden. He has also been instrumental in preparing me for the tax year ahead.

  • Darren Fieulleteau

    Darren Fieulleteau


    I have been a customer of Intensive Financial Service for 3 years now. I have been extremely happy with tax preparation. They are thorough and able to find additional tax saving and larger refunds every year. Intensive Financial Service also has provided sound tax advice which has reduced my tax burden.

  • Madeline Maldonado

    Madeline Maldonado


    I highly recommend Intensive Financial Services. Sedgwick is very knowledgeable. He always ensures that my tax returns are accurate and not missing any allowable deductions. He has saved me thousands of dollars over the years! Sedgwick advised me on the best way to set up my business including how to incorporate my business and save money, so that I can run my business more efficiently. Most importantly, Sedgwick is a great person and I genuinely enjoy working with him. If you need a quality accountant and financial advisor, call Intensive Financial Services.

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