Integrity Remodeling en Lynbrook

Estados UnidosIntegrity Remodeling


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626, Merrick Road, 11563, Lynbrook, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-561-8787
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Latitude: 40.66085, Longitude: -73.6850136

comentarios 4

  • en

    Kyungtae Kim


    Too busy and hard to communicate. I found recently they skip insulation where they supposed to install. Job is completed and looks good. Materials are different with proposal and extra cost has been charged for nothing.

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    Anne Mao


    I worked with Integrity Remodeling through a contract with Lowe's. Anthony was honest and straight forward, explaining how many plywood I needed to replace and how long the process would take. The clean up was thorough and he did not leave until we confirmed that we were satisfied. I highly recommend this company. All the employees are hard working and the roof looks fantastic.

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    Rosa C.


    Tony (the owner) and his team at Integrity Remodeling did an over the top (no pun intended) job on the entire exterior of my house. As discussed and agreed upon at the time of my free estimate with Tony, they installed a new roof, replaced my vinyl siding, repaired all the trim and installed an intricate gutter system. Tony was always on the job overseeing all the work and there to answer any questions that I had. The entire team was professional, polite, neat and thorough throughout the entire job. All in all, Integrity Remodeling was a pleasure to deal with and I am fully satisfied with the work that was performed. I would without a doubt recommend this company. The work was completed as promised.

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    James Goodzeit


    I recently had gutters installed and a garage roof replaced by Integrity. The work done was simply beautiful, the workmanship was superb, the workers were courteous and professional, and left the premises as tidy as it was before work began. Thanks!

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