Insignia Prime Steak & Sushi w Smithtown

Stany ZjednoczoneInsignia Prime Steak & Sushi



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610, Smithtown Bypass, 11787, Smithtown, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-656-8100
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8379268, Longitude: -73.1838303

komentarze 5

  • William Nogueras

    William Nogueras


    Love the ambiance the wine selection are great sometimes there is a waiting period but the bartender is still the best he will remember what you usually drink . Sometimes you rather eat at the bar. Great valet parking as long as you treat them as family because they will for sure will greet you as one . Even by welcoming you back knowing you by your name .

  • en

    Kristen D


    My boyfriend and I go here all the time and have had great service and food. My father went last night with my two brothers for dinner on my recommendation for his birthday. The waiter was told it was my brothers birthday so they brought him out a cheesecake with a candle . When the 350 bill came and no dessert was actually ordered they got charged 15 dollars for a dessert they didn’t ask for. That to me is bad customer service and I will now not be going back. Time to find a new steak house.

  • en

    Brett M


    Here for a daytime wedding. The place is beautiful with the bar opening up to an outdoor patio with seating. Appetizers were excellent and creative. NY Strip steak was cooked to perfection. Creamed spinach and truffle mac and cheese were excellent. The staff was courteous and attentive. Will definitely be back.

  • Brian Cavaliere

    Brian Cavaliere


    For as much as this place charges the service should be impeccable. We had 2 servers neither of which came to check on us throughout our meal. The time it took them to ask if wanted to see a dessert menu and they actually came back to take our dessert order was 20 minutes. The food was sub-par, and again for the amount you are spending in this place I'd expect the best. I've received better service and food from lesser places. UNACCEPTABLE!

  • en

    Marqui Hye


    This place had a great atmosphere and the display of the food that was prepared was excellent. The waiter that we had did get a little bit testy after we didn't take their suggestion though and I felt that was a bit unnecessary. The portions were good and in my personal opinion some of the flavors for certain dishes could have been better but overall I had an excellent meal.

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