Inside And Out Home Improvement Dba - Home Remodeling & Bathroom Remodeler Memphis TN w Memphis

Stany ZjednoczoneInside And Out Home Improvement Dba - Home Remodeling & Bathroom Remodeler Memphis TN



🕗 godziny otwarcia

646, Poplar Avenue, 38105, Memphis, Shelby County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 901-290-9659
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.147196, Longitude: -90.038465

komentarze 5

  • Chad Rone

    Chad Rone


    The best bathroom remodeler in Memphis, TN. The result was perfect and his work was fast and quality! Recommended!

  • en

    Tom Harrison


  • Una Wallace

    Una Wallace


    Those guys did a great work on our new bathroom. They laid the tiles, installed a new shower, did everything as promised and our bathroom looks amazing now. I will keep their number in case we need anything else remodeled at our place.

  • Alexander Ferguson

    Alexander Ferguson


    My wife and I hired them for a kitchen remodel last month. They managed to meet all of her expectations and still fit into my budget, which was great. My wife loves our new kitchen and I really enjoy the new look as well. I was quite worried that either she won't be satisfied or I'll have to pay extra, even though we set the price before they started, but luckily everyone was satisfied at the end. The only negative experience was the fact that it took longer than expected and it was kind of frustrating, so I guess it will take me a while before I think of a second home improvement project :)

  • Sarah Ludvig

    Sarah Ludvig


    Excellent remodeling in Memphis, TN! When it comes to bathroom remodeling these guys are the one and only company for me. I used their services for some kitchen remodeling also and both times they did it great. Inside And Out Home Improvement Dba is a very reliable remodeler and the prices this company charges you for their services are quite low at least according to me. That's the reason I use them every time when need any kind of home remodeling to be done the way I wanted. Thank you!

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