Inglis Chiropractic Center w Stamford

Stany ZjednoczoneInglis Chiropractic Center



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35, 6th Street, 06905, Stamford, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 203-446-4818
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0673252, Longitude: -73.5440202

komentarze 5




    He,s a thiefth,When I call the first time they told me to come to the office and at the end they don't accept my insurance.They charme twice $ 140.00 and later but I can"t continue because they ask me for $ 1.000.00 in advance to continue with the treatment ,and later I find out He's in the network.My insurance has been trying to contact the doctor to find out and never answer phone calls and E mails.Shame on you *doctor*.and He did the same to my wife.

  • Dan Durante

    Dan Durante


    This was my first experience working with a chiropractor. That being said, I couldn't have asked for anything more. Dr. Inglis clearly has a passion for what he does that for that reason it comes natural. His staff is extremely friend and I am on a first name basis with everyone. My right arm would go numb/feel tingly from time to time and after a couple weeks of adjustments, I am excited to say that is no longer an issue. The only thing I wish I would have done differently is become a patient sooner.

  • en

    Rosa Maldonado


    I have to say that I'm very happy and will recommend it to my friends and family. Dr . Inglis and the staff members are great ! Thanks so much for the treatment in my knees and therapy it works.

  • Allan Friedman

    Allan Friedman


    This doctor changed my life. Over the course of a year he healed my back and restored me to my former self. The medical doctors and physical therapists had no answer for me. The therapy and genius of Dr. Inglis really worked wonders on me. I can not give a good enough review to describe how professional and ethical and dedicated Dr. Inglis is to his many patients. I give him the highest possible review.

  • Carl Rohde

    Carl Rohde


    Six years ago I "crawled" into Dr. Richard Inglis' office. His treatment gave me tremendous relief from pain. What kind of pain? Before seeing Dr. Inglis my back ached, my neck was in great pain, and my knees rebeled against something as simple as walking. In many ways Dr. Inglis has helped to give me my life back. He is skillful, caring, and very professional. I see Dr. Inglis twice a month. And my time with him is well worth the investment! In fact, I cannot imagine returning to a life of frozen joints and neck and back pain. I was getting old very quickly and now I feel great. Thank you Dr. Inglis!

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