INFINITI of Lynbrook w Lynbrook

Stany ZjednoczoneINFINITI of Lynbrook



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843, Sunrise Highway, 11563, Lynbrook, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 855-239-9653
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Latitude: 40.6565023, Longitude: -73.6844753

komentarze 5

  • en

    Nathan Maidenbaum


    We had a great experience. We worked with Emmanuel Gonzalez who could not have been more helpful. He was super knowledgeable and so easy to deal with. Highly recommend Infiniti of Lynbrook and highly recommend working with Emmanuel.

  • en



    Very happy with my new car that I leased thru Infiniti of Lynbrook. Thank you to Shauna and Scott for providing excellent service.

  • S Vielot

    S Vielot


    This is my second car buying experience and it was by far much easier and smoother!. I went in on a Monday and was greeted by Ed and Jeri ( my salesman). From the moment I stepped in the office I was at ease. Long story short the next day I was driving off with my car. Great! Experience. I did not once feel pressured by any of the staff there. Ed, Jeri and Russ are great!. Jeri-Salesman Russ-Fiance Manager Ed- Sales Manger

  • en

    Justin Avona


    EDIT: Have tried to reach out to my salesman numerous times, to only receive no reply. Disappointed. Infinity of Lynbrook has really proven to me that honest and helpful dealerships are out there. They have given me a chance with a finance without me having any established credit, and offered services to me I didn't believe id recieve. The car I ended up purchasing looked like it has been slightly clipped from the side. No dents, but marked up. Scott, one of the managers at Infinity of Lynbrook, gave me his personal number and promised it be touched up. Riju being my salesman was great, consistently stayed in contact with me at any time I had a concern, and truly went out of the way to assist me and make sure I had a pleasant experience. Marty, the finance manager, also extremely helpful, and had a very sincere feeling in the words he said. I'm on the younger side, so he offered me past experience of his to further assist me in the way of life. Everyone there is extremely helpful, and truly wants to help you if you're just getting into the new car world. I would definitely go back to them all again for any further car purchases. Thank you all again.

  • Jeffrey Kay

    Jeffrey Kay


    They say they have a 160 point inspection for used cars, but I think they only did about 154 of them for the 2014 Q50 I went to test drive. Wish I would have known before driving an hour and a half to get there . I did call in advance to check, and was assured that it was in excellent shape for a 2014 with 22,000 miles on and also that they were flexible on price . The worst part was the used car manager coming out after my test drive and denying anything being wrong with the car including the driver side airbag warning light that would not turn off, the big ugly dent on the roof, The balding rear tires, the dent on the driver side door, and numerous other dings and scratches throughout. The car was priced at market which was only fair if it was in perfect condition for a car with only 22,000 miles on it. But when the manager there denies the existence of every single thing wrong with it, even those things visible to the naked eye , it makes you wonder what else they also would look past elsewhere - under the hood, in the suspension, brakes and all around the car. The salesman I was test driving with even told me that he wondered why they would take a car back off lease in this condition. Even for a super low price , I did not trust anything about this car based on their complete denial of every single thing - even those which were obvious. I also do not appreciate being attacked for pointing out the obvious. I thanked them very much and left quickly after the attack. I feel strongly that an infinity dealership should be more professional than this. I expected more and wish i had not wasted 3 hours round trip to go there. My last car was a BMW. I would never have been treated like this at a BMW dealership, and I think BMW cares more about the cars they are putting in people's hands. BMW would not try to sell something that was not up to their standards. Infinity did. BMW would also not treat people poorly Aside from the big beautiful building with the infinity logo on it, the experience I had more closely resembled that of a no name used car lot in the Bronx. The funny thing is that if they had they recognized the issues, promised to fix them all, and then negotiated with me somewhat on price to something closer to what equivalent vehicles in the area are actually selling for at other Infinity dealers (i have visited a few) - I might have bought it. Knowing what I do now, I'm glad I didn't.

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