Imperial Barber Shop w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneImperial Barber Shop



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242, 5th Avenue, 11215, Kings County, New York, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 716-240-5000
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.675494, Longitude: -73.9812971

komentarze 5

  • en

    Aaron Lim


    Everyone is very good at cutting hair. You show them a picture of a hairstyle and they’ll do it with ease and make it work for the shape of your head/face if that makes sense.

  • en

    Eddie Song


    Kyle, Kerry, and the rest of the barbers are all outstanding. I have been coming since they first opened a few years ago. I continue to come back time and time again because of the attention to detail every member on their staff shows. It truly is unparalleled and customer service is excellent. Other places I used to go too would spend maybe 10-15 minutes to give me a fade and a trim. At Imperial, I'm pretty sure I've never left in less than 30 minutes. Feels like every hair on my head is analyzed and the cut is not finished until every hair is in its perfect place at its perfect length. I always leave looking my best and for that I am truly thankful.

  • Alex Roman

    Alex Roman


    I've been to shop 3 X. Each time I was very happy with results. Seriously, these guys always do a fantastic job. I have pin straight hair, which makes it difficult. These guy having me leaving the shop feeing great. Very happy with their service.

  • Angel Martinez

    Angel Martinez


    Been getting a haircut from Kyle for almost a year and every time is exactly what I asked for. Friendly and welcoming atmosphere and always in and out. They take their time yet work quickly. Always a great experience.

  • en

    Sanjar Nabiev


    Imperial Barbershop is one of the best shops of Brooklyn. Master Justin cut my hair and I enjoyed of his work. So nice place, good service also you can enjoy with some drinks. They offer only good for you styles if you are suffering with your hair style. I have never seen this kind of work system in Brooklyn. Keep on. Thank you Justin

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