IMIN Law: Jennifer H. Ahn en Flower Mound

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1101, Surrey Lane, 75022, Flower Mound, Denton County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 972-979-5077
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Latitude: 32.9985874, Longitude: -97.0681553

comentarios 1

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    Aki Nakayama


    Attorney Jennifer Ahn is the best immigration attorney! I just received my green card after my interview and couldn't be happier. While my employer filed the I-140 petition for me, I was told to find an attorney for my I-485 case. I called several attorneys and Jennifer Ahn was one of them. The first time I called, I was not able to speak to her but spoke to her assistant. Unlike the other offices I called, she actually asked me questions about my case. The other offices I called didn't ask me anything and told me to just come in for a consultation. Just a consultation? At least tell me if your office is able to handle the case or not instead of just telling me to come in. I don’t want to waste my time or anyone else’s. Anyways, after talking to the assistant, I felt comfortable enough to go in for a consultation with Jennifer because she seemed to know the gist of what type of case mine was. After my consultation, I knew that I wanted to go with Jennifer. She explained the entire process to me in a way that was easy to understand and went over several important points with me. She was very matter of fact and direct, which I really appreciated. One issue that I was very concerned about was that I had a visa that was valid for another year and a half or so. I didn’t know if I should be applying for the EAD and AP or not and she explained the pros and cons of applying for them while on my status and I ended up not applying for it and it worked out perfectly for me. To be honest there were attorneys that quoted cheaper fees but they didn't seem like the right choice for me. They didn't seem to care about my case and didn't ask me about the details regarding anything either. A few even started the consultation by telling me how they were the best and that they do similar cases as mine all the time and it would be a piece of cake. I mean, hello? Can we focus on my case here? Throughout the case, Jennifer and her assistant were very helpful and responsive. At first I was a little nervous because some of my coworkers told me that they couldn't get into contact with their attorneys and that the assistants never got back to them. One even told me that their attorney never asked for documents until the last minute so he was always scrambling to get them. I kind of found that hard to believe because for every question or concern I had, I was able to get in touch with the office. If the attorney wasn't available, the assistant would call me back after talking to the attorney. They made the entire process very easy and simple for me. My case had no request for evidences issued and the interview came out sooner than I expected. Jennifer went with me to the interview and she prepared me very well. I went into her office before the interview and she went through the application with me and prepared me for the interview by making sure I had all of my documents in order. The interview went very smoothly and the officer told me that he would be able to approve my case that day and two weeks later, I got my bright and shiny green card in the mail! I cannot thank the IMIN Law team enough for turning a potentially stressful situation into an easy, smooth process. I have recommended Jennifer to my coworkers who haven’t found attorneys yet and would also recommend her to anyone who needs immigration help!

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