iLoveKickboxing in New York

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185-22, Union Turnpike, 11366, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 718-454-4800
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Latitude: 40.7284836, Longitude: -73.7827459

kommentare 5

  • en

    Jennifer Echevarria


    I love going to I love kickboxing in fresh Meadows the instructors are enthusiastic and motivating. The studio is always clean and the work out is incredible. I’m already seeing results and it’s only been a month since I joined.

  • SpeakForYou Crop

    SpeakForYou Crop


    I transferred from another ILKB location to Fresh Meadow not long ago. I really loved the enthusiasm they run the class. I chose to transfer her because there are more class time to choose with (They even have 6am class). My classmates and instructors are friendly, encouraging and not competitive. Instructor Ricky gave me a lot of good advice on my form. I love training with ILKB – Fresh Meadow.

  • en

    Jennifer Davila


    This place is awesome! The most I have had working out and getting into shape! The instructors here really know how to keep you engaged in the workouts and motivate so you can do your best! Music is always great and the facility is always clean! Definitely recommend it!

  • Karla Mora

    Karla Mora


    LOVE this place! and the people! The trainers are one of a kind! Very helpful and supportive, different routines, different music, DJ nights are the best, good music at every class and most important GREAT work outs! Good location, parking is always available, classes start on time, they have water and nice merchandise for sale. The studio is always clean! Must go destination!

  • en

    Luisa Johnson


    I have been going to I love kickboxing fresh meadows for a month now and I just can't say enough about how great it is. The instructors and members are all friendly and the facility is clean and spacious. I always feel like I get an amazing workout and I am motivated to consistently go.

nächste Fitnessstudio

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