iLoveKickboxing w Huntington

Stany ZjednoczoneiLoveKickboxing



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1740, East Jericho Turnpike, 11743, Huntington, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-486-7885
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8337307, Longitude: -73.3381309

komentarze 5

  • cheryl dobres

    cheryl dobres


    iLoveKickboxing changed my life. The staff are so motivational and energetic! I travel a half hour to this location because the staff is that amazing!! It’s a great way to workout AND have fun!

  • lilhoppex3



    I absolutely love going here and the instructors they are always helpful with making sure you are doing the moves right. There is no judgment here and that’s one of the biggest things I love most but most importantly you have while you are working out! I highly recommend coming here and taking a class

  • Kimberly Padilla

    Kimberly Padilla


    I joined I Love Kickboxing - Dix Hills last year and it was once of the best decisions of my life. The instructors are invested in my success and have supported me through all of my personal goals.My entire body has transformed and this is the only workout I have been able to stick to consistently. You will not be disappointed in the results!

  • Amna Naqui

    Amna Naqui


    I've never been to a place where I feel so welcome every time I walk inside. Everyone is always there smiling and encouraging. I have definitely increased my flexibility and strength due to their classes.

  • Ariella Weiner

    Ariella Weiner


    iLoveKickboxing Dix Hills has definitely changed the way I think about working out. It has become a lifestyle and the instructors are super motivating. I can already feel myself getting stronger and more tone, and I can't wait to continue!

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