
🕗 godziny otwarcia

300, East 78th Street, 10021, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 888-377-3180
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7724289, Longitude: -73.9552812

komentarze 5

  • Doris Furman

    Doris Furman


    I have to say, I am really impressed with the way this company operates. Things are planned in detail and the movers work efficiently and quickly, while still following a strict protocol of caring for their customers belongings in a very respectful way. This company clearly holds itself to a higher standard than many other moving companies. If you are looking for a good moving company that you can actually trust to show up and get the job done right, I highly recommend you check out this one.

  • en

    Larry Frasher


    This company came in to help us out when we really needed it. We thought we’d have enough time to get everything packed and moved ourselves, but we way overestimated our abilities. It turns out both my wife and myself aren’t very good at packing up an entire home, and giving ourselves two days to get the entire job done was overwhelming. There may or may not have even been a slight mental break down involved. That said, we found this company after a desperate search online and they came in and saved the day! They showed up with only two hours warning on our part and helped us finish packing our entire home. Then they came back the next day and moved every single box, piece of furniture, piece of art, etc that we had. After frantically trying to get things done, this was a huge relief. We were able to grab a coffee and actually put our heads on straight again and get excited about the move. Ideal Moving, thank you for saving us for totally losing it and actually turning this nightmare into a fairly pleasant dream!

  • en

    Stephanie Cohen


    We had a great experience moving with Ideal! We have recommended them to several of our friends and never been disappointed.

  • en



    Use this company at your own risk! It starts off good depending on the customer service rep that you get BUT the moment you sign an agreement and the moving process starts, you get to see the truth. They lack in professionalism. Some of the movers are very rude and obnoxious. And God forbid you decide to use this company and they damage any of your items, GOOD LUCK w/submitting a claim. When you call their number the prompts don't lead you to the appropriate person. I attempted to contact them also via email to express my dissatisfaction but "Allegedly" emails have changed. So in essence, I have yet to hear from anyone to address my concerns. The attached photo is just one of multiple items that were damaged during the course of the move. Moving is draining emotionally, physically, and mentally. There are better options out there. Do your research. Don't SLEEP on the reviews!

  • Sam Wolfe

    Sam Wolfe


    Horrific experience. Initial quotation was good. Service attentive. Arranged move - they mixed up items into storage, lost two items. The initial quote was for move-out/storage/move-in. The move-out went fine, but of course they ran over and needed another $300. When I tried to obtain my belongings for the move-in, they said it would be another $1200. When I said I was quoted for all costs already paid, they said ok they'll look into it. Never got back to me on that, but confirmed the move-in. When the move-in came, the moving contractor demanded $690 on the spot to release my items. Cash only. Just typed the number into his phone. What could I do but scramble to an ATM to attempt to get the moment. So it went from $0 to $1200 to all-being-ok to $690. More than $2000 for a 1/2 a one bedroom apartment move in NYC. NEVER AGAIN. Avoid at all costs. What a scam.

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