Ideal Food Basket en New York

Estados UnidosIdeal Food Basket



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1301, Church Avenue, 11226, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-287-7500
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6480467, Longitude: -73.9673227

comentarios 5

  • William B

    William B


    It's not the best grocery store in the world, but it does the job. The produce keeps getting better, it has to to compete with the vegetable stands down the street. Prices are reasonable enough and selection is wide enough to not have to go farther from my home. While the actual food and services are fine, the building seems dilapidated. It is much shabbier than any other grocery store in the area. There is some tile work that hints at a past with some interesting features. It would be great if they updated the infrastructure of the building at some point and made it a nicer place to be.

  • en

    Geneen McClean


    I go here if I’m desperate! I bought a few items but I’m so done...Silk creamer was not fresh,look like it was about to go bad, some pork chops and cows foot was starting to go bad as time I will follow my mind stay out of this store!

  • Tracey Woolley

    Tracey Woolley


    Produce is a bit limited, but it is a good little grocery store for everything else. Price are decent, too.

  • Christopher Vinger

    Christopher Vinger


    Great neighborhood grocery with a good selection, reasonable prices compared to other large groceries, and decent quality on fresh vegetables ,meats, and other perishables.

  • Randi Arias

    Randi Arias


    It's just a bad supermarket period. When you go checkout the prices you see on the shelves don't match what's scanned so constantly have to play price check with them. The meat is absolutely horrible! Make sure to check the dates on everything because almost all their stuff is expired or about to expire I only shop here because it's literally right next to my apartment building so it's good for something like bread milk eggs or that onion your missing for your recipe.

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