iconic.systems w Houston

Stany Zjednoczoneiconic.systems



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1707, Waugh Drive, 77006, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 713-933-0606
strona internetowej: iconic.systems
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.752106, Longitude: -95.397494

komentarze 5

  • en

    Randy Bissell


    I highly recommend Iconic Systems for anyone planning a home music or theater system. My introduction to Iconic came during a visit to the Billiard Factory, and I really like that the two stores are co-colated (at the Willowbrook location on FM 1960) because it made shopping for my theater and rec room so convenient. I visit the store often and learn something new about music/media/control technology every time. In fact, one thing that stands out among the staff is their ability to explain the technical aspects of their trade in a way that's easy to understand. I worked with Chris in the sales department for my project - a home theater, game room TV with in-ceiling speakers, and a music system for the rest of the house and backyard. Chris has a special knack for explaining the technology and was able to quickly educate and guide me to the best solutions for my needs. Installers Sean, Luke and Juan were extremely professional, courteous and thorough with their work at the house, and contributed to my ongoing education by clearly explaining the work they were doing and patiently answering all questions. Follow up from Iconic has been outstanding, and I am extremely pleased with the outcomes. I'm especially impressed with the theater sound system which makes you feel like you're right there where the action is taking place. I could hardly believe the realism in a recent viewing of the 1990's Clint Eastwood movie, Unforgiven, when the thunderstorm scenes made me feel like I needed to jump up and check the ceiling for leaks. I was practically giddy!

  • Josh Goldberg

    Josh Goldberg


    This place is amazing!!! Not only is their equipment top notch, but so is their staff. The team at Iconic will ensure you have the best sound system in your neighborhood. These professionals are veterans in the industry and are great to work with. Come check this place out if you haven't yet.

  • en

    william nolte


    I have been purchasing my electronic equipment from Iconic Systems, formerly known as Signature Home Theater, for over 10 years. Not only do they carry hi-end equipment, they also have hi-end and knowledgeable sales personnel and installers. Jonathan, the owner, Chris, Shawn, Luke, and the rest, are extremely knowledgeable about not only the products they sell, but also other companies products so they can honestly compare and provide you with the best system for your budget. You owe it to yourself to check them out. They will not disappoint.

  • en

    Mitchell Page


    Lets start with the fact that the equipment they carry is top of the line. The folks that work in the store are outgoing and helpful. They genuinely care about your experience with your equipment and want to make sure you enjoy it. They are also helpful at showing new technologies -- whether audio equipment or home automation -- to help you get the most out of what you buy and make it friendly for the whole family. The installers do outstanding work and are dedicated and polite. I can say I recommend them over any other audio store in Houston.

  • en

    Ehsun Rahbar


    Fantastic experience!! Great sound systems and the best service!! Jonathan was very helpful and knowledgeable about all the products and helped me choose the right system for my house. I love the new store setup as well :)

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