Stany ZjednoczoneIBERIABANK



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1296, Union Avenue, 38104, Memphis, Shelby County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 901-757-6440
strona internetowej: www.iberiabank.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.137175, Longitude: -90.018239

komentarze 3

  • en

    Pretty Ash


    Don't ever do business with this bank they are rude as hell and a bunch of liars.They will hold your funds for no apparent reason just because one person may assume something fishy going on when it's really not NOTHING and I mean NOTHING going on. They talk to you like trash. The branch manager has a nasty attitude NaTasha Rudd rude and unprofessional. Chris Barnes another branch manager ignorant just like the rest of them didn't take the time out to really understand the situation better didn't even try to talk to me very unprofessional. Victoria Wilson one of the bankers talk GHETTO to you unprofessional and a liar. I will never do business with them ever again. I wouldn't recommend this bank to my worse enemy. Bank has no kinda structure. Iberiabank do Memphis a favor and hire people with class and a decent attitude!!!!!!!!!

  • n john

    n john


    This is a bank in a great location. I reviewed the account options and this branch extends some great offers.

  • Brittney Block

    Brittney Block


    My home buying experience with Iberia Bank was abysmal. I entrusted Brody Wamble to be the expert in this situation, but because of several misrepresentations on his behalf, I now find myself in an extremely uncomfortable financial situation. I was told at the beginning what my max monthly payment would be based on my salary. After protesting several estimates throughout this process showing higher monthly payments and me also owing money at closing, I was urged to sign paperwork anyway because funds had yet to be applied. I did not find out until a day before closing that my monthly payment was nearly half of my monthly income, which I would have never agreed to had I been given that information ahead of time. Again, everything was grossly mishandled and misrepresented. As a first-time homebuyer, I feel wholly taken advantage of by Iberia Bank. No resolution was offered, and I was absolutely set up to fail.

najbliższy Bank

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