i Fratelli Pizza Grapevine w Grapevine

Stany Zjednoczonei Fratelli Pizza Grapevine



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2030, Glade Road, 76051, Grapevine, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-416-1566
strona internetowej: www.ifratellipizza.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8819768, Longitude: -97.0964414

komentarze 5

  • Jason Medaris

    Jason Medaris


    This is the best pizza you will ever put in your mouth!!!

  • Jacob Mechaber

    Jacob Mechaber


    I ordered a pizza for delivery at a very busy time. Despite this, they were ahead of schedule on the delivery. The pizza was delicious, with fresh ingredients and toppings. The edges were a little crunchy, but that's the only bad thing I could say. They included parmesan and crushed red pepper without me asking. There are little divots in the box cover that hold the cups (cool design). Free delivery, cheap prices, great food! I'm only in Texas for a weekend and I'm ordering again.

  • DeanTamera Mooney

    DeanTamera Mooney


    I'm not sure if you can tell from the pictures, but this was the hamburger part of a pizza. As you can see, the cheese is burnt and there was so little meat, it was pathetic. I have order pizza from here and in the past it was excellent. Im not sure if they are under new ownership but the quality has hit rock bottom. This was from the Grapevine store on Glade. We let the kids eat it because they were so hungry and even they were saying "yukky". I will never ever leave the store without checking the pizza first. That is, IF we order from here in the future. I rated this one star only because there was not a half a star. Even that would have been a generous rating.

  • en

    kay weil


    Will never order pizza here again. First pizza order was wrong. Call to let them know. Was told be corrected and another pizza would be on the way. After hour of waiting call ask where my pizza was. Then i was told it was delivered . Come to find out was delivered another address. Two hours later still no pizza

  • Melissa Jefferson

    Melissa Jefferson


    Let me first start by saying that I NEVER post reviews, but there service (particularly this location) was outstanding! From start to finish, they had impeccable service. I had to make a last minute pizza order for my company in which I ordered several pizzas. I wish I could remember the names of the people who helped me, but they were very friendly and helpful considering I had never ordered from there before. My order was delivered in a timely manner, and the delivery guy was a hoot! Such a character, he was an older gentleman but he helped bring all the pizza's inside and offered to help me set everything up. I was shocked, I had never experienced that before. Later on that afternoon, I get a call from the delivery guy and I'm thinking I did something wrong. No, he was just checking to make sure my company and I enjoyed the pizza. Seriously, how great are they?! I assured him the pizza was delicious and thanked him for all his help earlier. You probably thought that was the end right? Nope! Today I get mail delivered to me, and it was a handwritten note from i Fratelli thanking me for ordering with them. I can't speak for any other location, but this one off Glade rd has found a loyal customer! Thank you so much for taking the extra step to make great pizza and deliver EXCELLENT service! We will be ordering from you again.

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