HYRATECH Cellphone & Computer Repair w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneHYRATECH Cellphone & Computer Repair



🕗 godziny otwarcia

83-43, Dongan Avenue, 11373, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-898-9180
strona internetowej: www.hyratech.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7404271, Longitude: -73.8793404

komentarze 5

  • Serafin Castro Figari

    Serafin Castro Figari


    Friendly,Trustworthy.. Highly Experienced, electronic service.... if they can't fix it call it "A RAP"......

  • en

    Patrick Rojas


    Prompt professional and courteous service is the best way to describe HYRATECH. Weather it’s Jimmy, Paul or any of the other professional’s working in either of their two convenient locations your issues will be addressed promptly and at very reasonable prices, highly recommend them if your looking to get your gear fixed right the first time!

  • en



    I brought my 📷 lens oem part to be replaced on my cracked camera lg g 5. It took 10 minutes and 40 🏧. The camera perfect now. Photos original. Please note if don't have parts on store it will take about a week to get part and start repairs.

  • Sophy W

    Sophy W


    This place is the best!!! If you need Prompt efficient service, this is it! I have fixed about 5/items. My Ipad cracked screen, Iphone cracked screens, Both Ip5-Ip7, Samsung s5 Jack input. Very diligent and respectful. Great People skills! Genuine and welcoming! Highly recommended!! Fair price for all services!!! ¡Este lugar es el mejor! Si necesita un servicio rápido e inmediato, este es el lugar. He arreglado alrededor de 5 / artículos. Mi pantalla agrietada de Ipad, pantallas agrietadas de Iphone, ambas entradas Ip5-Ip7, Samsung s5 Jack. Muy diligente y respetuoso. ¡Grandes habilidades para las personas! Genuino y acogedor! ¡¡Muy recomendable!! Precio justo para todos los servicios !!!

  • Carlos Wil

    Carlos Wil


    I am a technician and I have worked with Hyratech on several occasions. There is some technical work I don't have proper equipment to make repairs. They always help me out in a pinch. These guys are great! If your having an issue with your computer, cellphone, or tablet computer, I would definitely let these guys take a look. Labor price is decent.

najbliższy Sklep z elektroniką

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