Hyde Park Jeweler in Hyde Park

Vereinigte StaatenHyde Park Jeweler



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4285, Albany Post Road, 12538, Hyde Park, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 845-229-2021
webseite: www.hydeparkjeweler.net
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 41.783702, Longitude: -73.93319

kommentare 5

  • Sharon McCue

    Sharon McCue


    Very competent ladies they know their jewelry

  • Ron Moore

    Ron Moore


    Customer service oriented. Talented, knowledgeable staff! Highly recommend.

  • Norma Dolan

    Norma Dolan


    Outstanding and professional jeweler. Wouldn't go anywhere else.

  • en

    whitney johnson


    I wasn't actually a customer in this shop, but I know that I never will be. I was doing my laundry at the laundry mat next door from this jeweled, where I was sitting in the car with my son while he ate a wake up wrap from Dunkin up the road. He sometimes doesn't eat the wrap so I tossed it out on the ground thinking a bird or some animal would come snatch it up. I come back out from changing my laundry over to the dryers and a woman that works there was scowling at me like no tomorrow. I've never had someone scowl at me that hard in my life. So she comes out side with a broom and dust pan, still scowling, and proceeds to say "you couldn't walk your lazy ass to the dumpster?" I rolled down my window and said "excuse me?" She replies with "you couldn't walk your fat ass to the dumpster?" Again dumbfounded, she's saying this stuff to me In front of my two year old. We proceeded to go back n fourth for a few minutes. Eventually I ended up leaving while I was waiting for my laundry to dry. But I came back home and talked to a friend of mine who has actually shopped there, she's also complained of snobby service. So these women must have cob webs up their cooter and all butt hurt that they aren't getting any. And that's not my problem, you give respect to get respect, plain and simple. And for this to happen over something that's biodegradable is absolutely absurd.

  • Dave Stewart

    Dave Stewart


    Laurie is a staple of Hyde Park, my wife isn't big on jewelry, but we're always able to find something she loves! When I brought my watch in for a battery she was able to replace the crystal that others told me would be a much bigger job. I don't have to worry about 'others' anymore, Laurie is my jeweler for life.

nächste Juwelier

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