Hyde Park Bar & Grill w Austin

Stany ZjednoczoneHyde Park Bar & Grill



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4206, Duval St, 78751, Austin, Travis County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 512-458-3168
strona internetowej: hpbng.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 30.3042035, Longitude: -97.7266663

komentarze 5

  • C.M. Knox

    C.M. Knox


    Dim lighting, wood everywhere, dark browns and light blues, and artwork for sale on every available wall space... I will definitely be back. Our waitress and two other staffers we came in contact with were great. We ordered the fries as an appetizers and they were awesome! My entree recommendation? The pork n' mac. It sounds ridiculous, the idea of it is a tad ridiculous, but it's a winner.

  • en

    Tan Gy


    Some of the best tamales you will ever eat! Excellent and flavorful dishes in a classy retro environment. Staff is positive, laid-back, and friendly. Don't forget to try their awesome fries with dipping sauce.

  • Linda Mizell

    Linda Mizell


    There are reasons why a restaurant stays in business as long as this one and it is simply because they have good food. The eggs florentine were in the classic style and was delicious. I asked the waiter to switch Hyde Park fries for the breakfast potatoes that came with it because what's a trip to Hyde Park Cafe without their fries? This was Saturday brunch and there brunch beverages were only $3 and very tasty Bloody Mary's by the way. Go and enjoy

  • en

    Bill Broughton


    The HP Classic is a great burger; a well thought out combination of toppings, cheese and type of bun. From the homemade pickles to beautifully carmelized onions it is consistently well executed. Do not mess with perfection - get it the way they have it on the menu or just don't get it. Wait staff has been wonderful at both locations every time I've been there.

  • Taylor Dicristofalo

    Taylor Dicristofalo


    The fried egg sandwich is my all time favorite here, with a side of Hyde Park fries of course! They have an excellent brunch with delicious cocktails. Hyde Park has lots of options and sides, the only thing I haven’t liked there is the pork Mac n cheese, so I wouldn’t recommend getting that. This place is great for families but not for bigger parties due to the cozy atmosphere and small house vibe. *Go-to dinner option- chicken fried steak/chicken fried chicken (white gravy + 2 sides)* I love their honey mustard dressing here when I get side salads for dinner or lunch.

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