Hyatt Regency Wichita i Wichita

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterHyatt Regency Wichita



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400, West Waterman Street, 67202, Wichita, Sedgwick County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 316-293-1234
internet side:
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Latitude: 37.6828524, Longitude: -97.3413507

kommentar 5

  • en

    Erin Pitt


    The staff was very friendly and helpful. Breakfast can be ordered by filling out a form and planning on your door to be delivered in the morning! TV channel selection could have been better without having to pay extra. TV was bigger than stated, but I'd trade it for a more comfy mattress! Shuttle downtown for event was awesome, but why end the shuttle at 10:30 on a weekend? Overall, I'd stay again!!

  • JR Curley

    JR Curley


    This large hotel is a good part of the overall chain. The lobby is large and clean, the staff very friendly and helpful. The rooms are nice and well maintained. There is a bit of wear, but nothing out of the norm or which would take away from the overall positive experience. Standard rooms have two bottles of water (free for members). There is a restaurant and bar downstairs, both quite nice, as well as a coffee/pastry location that serves Starbucks. A great place to stay if you're visiting Wichita. Pro tip - it's about a 20 minute drive to the airport.

  • Mike Zybko

    Mike Zybko


    We had a great time. The rooms are very comfortable and it's has easy access to all this downtown. The staff was very accommodating as well. I misplaced a bag and the whole staff quickly coordinated together and security found it. Highly recommended.

  • Thelma A. Suber

    Thelma A. Suber


    It's a really nice place to stay.. The bed is comfy and they give you 4 feather down pillows. This is so relaxing even though it's a business trip. I feel like I am on vacation ł have to put a cc on file for incidentals just Don't drink the bottle water left in the room.. They will charge you for it $6

  • M R

    M R


    Great hotel. Very nice and comfortable room. Very good food in the barn and restaurant. Coffee bar is good too. Fast van service as well. I've stayed here many times and it is always a good stay.

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