Hurst Import Car Repair & Services w Hurst

Stany ZjednoczoneHurst Import Car Repair & Services



🕗 godziny otwarcia

224, West Hurst Boulevard, 76053, Hurst, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-282-0652
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8095659, Longitude: -97.1722379

komentarze 5

  • en

    Karen Hooper


    Best there is!!!!

  • ur brothers sisters daughter

    ur brothers sisters daughter


    I almost don’t want to put this review out because they’re honestly such a great old school down to earth mechanics/service shop that I’m scared if they get too popular it might change lol. Both Sam and his son Ben are awesome and Ben is a great conversationalist, his dad is more direct but a funny guy ! Great service y’all don’t doubt.

  • Lacey Skelton

    Lacey Skelton


    This is the ONLY place I will bring my car for any maintenance or service repairs. If you want 5 star quality work I HIGHLY RECOMMEND bringing your vehicle here. They treat every car as if it is their own and really care about making sure your vehicle is in the best shape possible. They only address the stuff your vehicle needs in order to keep it as long as possible. No dealership scams. If you want that safe feeling of leaving your vehicle in the hands of someone else, this is definitely the place to come! On top of that they give truly exceptional service! I always leave happy and highly satisfied!!

  • Robert Grosso

    Robert Grosso


    Mechanics like Sam are hard to come by -- very knowledgeable and honest. Best mechanic in the area.

  • Mark Cathcart

    Mark Cathcart


    Sam unfortunately told me what I didn't want to hear, but needed to. Probably one of the best mechanics I have ever had the pleasure of doing business with. He did things (follow up) that he really didn't have to do, but that's because I believe his work ethic is in tact. This is my new goto mechanic...for a long time.

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