Hurricane Sports Grill w Woodland Park

Stany ZjednoczoneHurricane Sports Grill


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1530 Route 46 West, Woodland Park, NJ 07424, США
kontakt telefon: +1 973-890-9464
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8851636, Longitude: -74.210435

komentarze 5

  • vesh19



    Food is priced very low and tastes very good. There isn't a single meal priced over twenty dollars with most items being under $13. The alcohol however is marked way up. Wait time for food was a bit outrageous (order for five (5) wings took over a half hour). The place is considerably small for what it is ( I would guess less than 100 maximum occupancy). Might have to go back once the grand opening vibe wears off.

  • shri chal

    shri chal


    I visited this establishment during lunch with my coworkers buddies. Place look well maintained, staff was friendly. We sat at the bar. Emily (hope my spelling was accurate..) was phenomenal in her service. The long islands she prepared for me were good. Her service was honest and friendly. George was also good in addressing some single malt queries. Keep up the good work Emily!!!

  • en

    Amanda Arp


    The food was absolutely delicious!! The manager was so sweet asking if everything was okay. Our server was right on it . I will definitely be back with the family

  • KT Grant

    KT Grant


    For a chain, I was pleasantly surprised how enjoyable my dining experience was. Our server was very friendly and went out of her way to make sure my table was comfortable. The food isn't bad at all, and the prices typical for this type of restaurant. The mixed drinks are so-so, better to stick to beer or wine. The wings are also okay, nothing outstanding. Their guacamole, which they say is made fresh, is the real deal. it's very good! A great place for families- they cater to children. If you're in the moods for burgers or the sports bar atmosphere, this is recommended, Also they have calorie totals next to each food item, which may give you a shock because it's higher than you think, especially when an entrée salad has more calories than one of their desserts. Not fine dining but a fun atmosphere that also has happy hour specials during the week.

  • en

    Milan Limbachia


    This place definitely has amazing food and the setup is nice as well. We ordered the fish tacos, chicken salad and Veg Burgers and the best was the Avacado appetizers....My wife loves spicy food and I don’t so we always have to compromise but the best part for this restaurant was that they have tons of sauces from Spicy to sweet which you can customize as needed so definitely recommend this place for a cool hangout spot w/ good food and drinks...I realized that this was just recently opened so staff was bit slow but he was really nice so I didn’t really mind...overall definitely going back again...

najbliższy Bar

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