Hudson Family Chiropractic and Physical Therapy in Hoboken w Hoboken

Stany ZjednoczoneHudson Family Chiropractic and Physical Therapy in Hoboken



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51, Newark Street, 07030, Hoboken, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-656-5600
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7366657, Longitude: -74.0303393

komentarze 5

  • Eric Terzer

    Eric Terzer


    Such a friendly and talented group. I was stuck in bed all day on a Monday after a neck/back spasm during a game. They had me back on the field the following weekend pain-free!

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    Lauree Barnes


    Dr. John and Dr. Mike are wonderful doctors who care about you and your health and well being. It is very obvious they tailor the treatment to your needs and work with you to ensure you have complete care. They are very knowledgeable and professional and I trust them completely. I highly recommend them!

  • en

    Daniel Drag


    I honestly can’t say enough about this practice. Michael and John genuinely care about their patients and their patients’ well being. They are hard working, professional, and honest. If you are looking for Chiro, PT, or Acupuncture you would be a fool not to put your care in their hands.

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    Daniel Thorpe


    Not worth the time or money, sadly. Had appointment. Waited 15 mins in reception. Waited 15mins in room. Then Had heat pack applied. Left alone for a while while he attended 3 others. Then said thanks so much we are done without actually help solve any issues or provide any recommendations, stretches etc.. 1hr 20mins later. I get you might be busy. I’d rather you don’t spread yourself so thin and can spend more time on quality patient care and reschedule me.

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    Leslie Wood


    Top notch chiropractors at this facility - if you normally see one doctor and then see the other for some reason, they have completely filled each other in on your issues and care plan. I see both Dr. Mike and D.r John regularly and love them both! The staff is very helpful and friendly and I love the flexibility of their hours.

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