Howard Hertz, MD - Babylon Medical Practice w Babylon

Stany ZjednoczoneHoward Hertz, MD - Babylon Medical Practice


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

350, West Main Street, 11702, Babylon, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-661-2277
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6930442, Longitude: -73.3331725

komentarze 5

  • en

    Debbie Rom


    Where to start. My father complained of chest pain and waited 2 hours while having a heart attack. I was at a specialist while having chest pain. They sent me to dr hertz were i waited a hour for a a EKG. It gets worse every time go. they are just money hungry and send u for test. Ive gone there two times recently for medicine which they never sent to the pharmacy. Theres no accountability.

  • en

    Faye O


    Excellent family practice. Great doctors and physician assistants, excellent nurses. Great standards of care and support as well as customer service. The doctors are very thorough with physicals and with seeing patients, answering questions and giving assistance. Highly recommended.

  • Jeffry Fuentes

    Jeffry Fuentes


    They charged me more than what I was suppoused to pay.!! They had a new weird excuse... something towards the deductible. If it was not because I checked with my insurance company and then challenged them, they would had taken money that did not belong to them. It took them 3 months to send me the money back and only because I followed up!! The administrative staff was really unprofessional. I wonder how many people paid a deductible amount that they did not have to and this practice pocketed it!

  • Brian Levatino

    Brian Levatino


    Great medical practice. Been going here almost 20 years. Dr Hertz, son Jared and the PA's know their stuff!

  • Stephanie Cella

    Stephanie Cella


    Dr. Howard Hertz and his whole team is by far the best family practice on Long Island. I have sent 4 friends and my husband there as a result of how thorough they are. I have been putting off going to the doctor for a simple check up due to many bad experiences with other doctors. All I have to say is they actual care about you as a person and you are not just a number. I wouldn’t trust any other office with my health.

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