Hotel Valencia Riverwalk i San Antonio

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Forenede StaterHotel Valencia Riverwalk



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150, East Houston Street, 78205, San Antonio, Bexar County, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 210-227-9700
internet side:
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Latitude: 29.4262663, Longitude: -98.4915771

kommentar 5

  • en

    Afrah Ali


    Valencia is a nice antique boutique hotel. The room was charismatic and had a unique character to it. I really enjoyed my stay. The room was big and airy. Some of the electrical outlet didn’t work but otherwise it was great. It is at a great location. Easy walk to the convention center, river walk and Alamo. The staff was very friendly and helpful. They did have coffee and muffins for breakfast which was great too. Star bucks is right next to it as well.

  • Sabrina Meneses

    Sabrina Meneses


    I stayed at Hotel Valencia the night before my wedding with all my bridesmaids, my groom stayed with his groomsman, and we reserved a room block for our guests. The rooms for the bridal party (king junior suites) were lovely and perfect the next day for getting Our guests complimented the choice of hotel as well. The service and ambience were top notch along with breakfast in the morning. Hotel Valencia Is a must stay for anyone visiting San Antonio and for newly weds looking to spend their first night together somewhere special.

  • Anthony Lebel

    Anthony Lebel


    Our first impressions of this hotel were fantastic. It's definitely an eye catcher. It was also very clean and the staff was very friendly. Upon checking in we spoke with a lady, I believe her name was Serena. She made plenty of suggestions on things to do in the area. We got there very early so our room wasn't ready but we were texted when our room was ready which was very convenient. All in all it was a great experience.

  • en

    Lisa Perry


    This is a beautiful hotel within walking distance to the Riverwalk! The room was a little pricey, but for me the convenience of access to the Riverwalk made up for the cost. The room was spacious, clean and comfortable. There is no parking at the hotel so it is Valet or park in a nearby lot yourself and walk. The valet service was extra cost, but they were quick and again for me it was worth it to pay for the service. I would probably stay here again.

  • da

    Buris Christiansen


    Udmærket og centralt placeret god service

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