Hotel Seattle i Seattle

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterHotel Seattle


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315, Seneca Street, 98101, Seattle, King County, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 206-623-5111
internet side:
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Latitude: 47.6072103, Longitude: -122.3344843

kommentar 5

  • Jason DiFonzo

    Jason DiFonzo


    An absolute dump. Broken toilet seat, broken electrical fixtures. Overall plain dirty. Nice staff though.

  • Tyler Leslie

    Tyler Leslie


    Rooms are absolutely disgusting and falling apart, ceiling is falling down and the bathroom is covered in mold. The elevator doors open as the elevator is still moving. The guy at the front desk was extremely rude. Also no parking vouchers or reduction in price for hotel patrons. We paid almost $50 for 12 hours of parking next door.

  • Wendy Sage

    Wendy Sage


    When we arrived the gal at the desk was hard to hear, and very unfriendly. But what happened next was crazy, when we got to room 705 there was a man standing at our door, we explain he is at our room he said nothing and continued in, on our bed were 2 remotes and a candy wrapper, we are still unsure what this man is doing, he really said nothing about being staff and what he was doing, but nothing. Then we realize he is changing remotes. He then walks out, no words. The room was very very outdated and water pressure was awful. The bed was comfy. But they need to update as read in previous posts were all accurate. Great location but prepare to walk a block to pay to park. Price was reasonable for what you get.

  • Yoichi Takanami

    Yoichi Takanami



  • Heather Odonnell

    Heather Odonnell


    Exelent costumer service. Hard to find if not familiar with the area and hard to find parking but calling the front desk they will do there best to let you know how and where to go. Very appreciative! Very close to attractions and restaurants. Cheap stay and cheap room but extremely quiet and quaint.

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