Hotel Ignacio i St. Louis

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3411, Olive Street, 63103, St. Louis, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 314-977-4411
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Latitude: 38.636735, Longitude: -90.2285939

kommentar 5

  • en

    Todd Ball


    This place is really cool! Lots of art. It adds a visual experience to the other amenities you are used to having at a hotel. It is rather small, which I liked. It is in the area of St Louis University. This whole part of town is nice. It is a short drive to downtown and close to the hill, Cafe Osage, and the Missouri botanical gardens. All of which I would recommend visiting in St Louis.

  • en

    Stephanie Ward


    The staff was extremely friendly. We loved that there was a bar and a delicious restaurant downstairs. It is also very close to many attractions. The rooms are very clean and comfortable.

  • en

    Michael Marshall


    Such a nice hotel the people we're friendly and the room was very nice. My lady and i had a very good time. I thought it was awesome the floors we're named after artists. You get a pool abd some vending machines i would definitely stay again.

  • Angie Burns

    Angie Burns


    Very friendly staff, very informed on local happenings. Rooms are nice but very small. Our room has a great view of the city. Bathroom is gorgeous, and very large for a hotel. No pool or hot tub. Many things to eat within walking distance.

  • en

    Chris Ball


    Great hotel. Great location. The most comfortable bed we've ever slept in. Staff was great. Cafe had a yummy breakfast to start the day. Would not hesitate to stay here again.

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