Hotel Eleganté Conference & Event Center i Colorado Springs

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2886, South Circle Drive, 80906, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 719-576-5900
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Latitude: 38.797778, Longitude: -104.795815

kommentar 5

  • Melinda Parshall

    Melinda Parshall


    Five stars well earned. Very nice place to stay, super helpful stuff, offers all types of amenities, everything is clean, in good maintenance, and up-to-date. This place is huge. It's almost like a little village including a few restaurants and shops in the main lobby. Honestly in my only complaint is it is so large, that even with elevators it was still quite a hike to my room with all my luggage. But that certainly not enough to take away a star. I'll definitely stay again.

  • en

    RJ Price


    I did not stay here, so I cannot speak about the rooms, or the amenities. I was here for a breakfast in their banquet hall. I cannot give an accurate number that was expected. A crude guess would be 400-500. The place is nice, yet not what I would describe as elegant. The banquet hall and the bathrooms closest to it were just average. The food was also just average. The service was very good. The servers worked hard, got the food served quickly, and kept our coffee carafe full. I did not observe any of them standing around doing nothing. They were reasonably quick to clear the dirty dishes. The sound system was barely adequate, and needs to be upgraded, in my opinion. Our event opened the doors at 7:15am, and was finished by 11:30am. The organisers of this event have used this facility in the past, and will likely use it again next spring. If invited, I would come back.

  • Ashley B

    Ashley B


    I attended a graduation-like celebration that was held at the hotel. I only saw the one ballroom we were in, and the restroom. Everything appeared clean and tidy. The food was okay. It wasn't the best food I had ever had, but it wasn't terrible either. Overall, it was nice.

  • en

    Matt R


    You can't beat the views! What a great family, couples or single destination. Beautiful grounds with swimming pools, fountains, hot tubs, playgrounds and a dog park on site. Friendliness of staff stands out. This is the gorgeous view from our balcony. Went up to look at the ballroom and wow great place to have an event. Highly recommend.

  • Emily Wheeler

    Emily Wheeler


    We had a wonderful stay! Staff was friendly, pool was amazing, and the beds were super comfy. While you stay, I highly suggest visiting the Garden of the Gods and the cog railway, but the best part of our stay was swimming in the indoor pool. We would go later in the evening and float on our backs and look at our reflections in the windows on the ceiling. It was a wonderful vacation and will definitely do it again!

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