Hotel deLuxe i Portland

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729, Southwest 15th Avenue, 97205, Portland, Multnomah County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakter telefon: +1 503-219-2094
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Latitude: 45.520986, Longitude: -122.687713

kommentar 5

  • Ariel Birdoff

    Ariel Birdoff


    Wonderful hotel in a great location. Definitely worth the price. Staff was helpful and lovely. Our room was not huge, but there was more than enough room and a huge closet. 5pm champagne every day was a great touch. Would definitely stay here again.

  • Rachel Wayne

    Rachel Wayne


    My sister and I spent 6 nights here. I really liked this hotel. There were lots of nice touches in the room and the beds were quite comfortable. The front desk staff were very responsive. We also made good use of the free bicycles on offer during our trip. The only thing is that it's not in the nicest neighborhood but still very much within walking distance of everything we wanted to do.

  • Jane Elliott

    Jane Elliott


    We had such a wonderful weekend here. Our aunts came out from Michigan, and we wanted them to feel pampered and appreciated. Hotel Deluxe more than delivered. Lots of hotels have beautiful architecture - as does this one - but the real prize was the atmosphere created by the staff. They were always thoughtful and accommodating. They made us feel so welcome. We commented all weekend on the quality of their customer service. If they sensed we were dissatisfied with anything, they'd immediately offer another option. In our culture, I sometimes feel that interaction with businesses are so impersonal, for customer and staff, and reduced to profitability. Not so here. We always felt like the highest priority was our comfort/and quality of experience. I could go on for another five paragraphs about the beautiful lobby, romantic bar, and comfortable rooms. Thank you so much to the staff for an unforgettable weekend!

  • Elizabeth R

    Elizabeth R


    My daughter and I LOVED this hotel. The staff were very professional, helpful, and friendly. We were upgraded to the Marlene Dietrich Suite, and it was much appreciated. There's a walk-in closet, the circular bed is huge and incredibly comfortable, and there's a twin-sized fainting couch, which my daughter opted to sleep on. The breakfast potatoes available through room service were delicious. The only downsides were these: the bathroom, while nice and clean, was very drafty, the window is old and needs to be replaced; also, the chicken sausage wasn't very tasty and the eggs weren't seasoned. Everything else was perfect. I would definitely stay there again. Seriously, I've Googled 'big round beds' to see if I can get one for my home.

  • en

    Ryan Chiang


    Nice hotel. There were a couple things that take away a star. The room with a king was very small. It seemed more like a New York style where there was barely room for the bed. The amenities were nice and bed was comfortable. In other words they are nice rooms for the sizes that they have to work with. Second thing which is not normal is they have you sign a waiver saying that if someone breaks into your car it isn't their responsibility. The lot is located outside or in a garage kitty corner from the hotel. I understand the liability, but it immediately seemed like it wasn't a safe area due to the sign on the dotted line valet ticket. You want to assume that if you valet the car, it is in good hands.

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