Hot Societe Boutique i Ossining

Forenede StaterHot Societe Boutique



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175, Main Street, 10562, Ossining, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-236-3879
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.1616295, Longitude: -73.862273

kommentar 4

  • Virginia Benedict

    Virginia Benedict


    This is not your everday fashion boutique... Edith Santiago is a talented fashion coordinator, stylist. From her extensive eclectic collection of garments and accessories she can bring together styles for every occasion to suit your fancy so you don't have to. Want elegant? Or conservative? Perhaps you are looking for a trendy look... Oh! lets not forget the fabulous lingerie she has in stock.

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    Mylene Gry


    Staff is so nice! They help you to find the perfect clothe! I hate shopping but i love to go there, they are so helpfull!

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    RA Simpson


    The coziness of the shop is delightful. Carly is one of the most fashion forward persons I have come in contact with in a long time. The personal touch that she gave and the entire feel of the boutique shows the owner has great taste, by styles, designs and the layout of the boutique. The one on one attention will make me continue my shopping experience here.

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    Jessica Guzman


    Amazing shopping experience! Love it there!

nærmeste Tøjbutik

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