Hoors Beauty Care en New York

Estados UnidosHoors Beauty Care


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78-6, 101st Avenue, 11416, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-322-0012
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6802892, Longitude: -73.8594164

comentarios 5

  • en

    Narinder Kaur


    I have been coming here for the past four years. Honestly speeking sonia is very sweet and cool personality. She always listen to you very carefully how you want your eyebrows. Sonia work on me yo growing my eyebrows back. Now it’s perfect. She does mackup and eyelashes a lot more . My all family members love this place . The staff is very friendly. The prices are so affordable. You also get the point card after 9th 10th Times eyebrows free. She is so passion able and makes her clients happy. She never ask anybody for the tip and never charge extra money. The price list always on the wall . I highly recommended hoorz beauty care to everyone. Hundred percent satisfied services

  • en

    Isabel Cruz


    If i could give ZERO stars i would!! First off, Sonia is great... at least that's what I thought... I always hated threading because I've had a bad experience in the past, but for some reason I finally decided to try again and chose this place with my mother in law who recommended it. I loved how my eyebrows came out at first and started coming for a few months. I was even telling my family and friends how I found a hidden gem... But... Yesterday I was proven completely wrong. Well let me tell you... I asked to wait for Sonia ...and apparently the other lady hated that. She tried to persuade me to go with her but I refused politely. Mind you my mother in law had just gone a couple weeks ago and did the same thing, gave in and REGRETTED it, because sure enough they messed up her brows. So I wasn't going to risk it. To make a long story short... they were VERY RUDE with me. They couldn't accommodate me to get my eyebrows done when I wanted to, ...and when I finally did later on, they spoke in their language while looking at me making it uncomfortable. Then charging me EXTRA and asked if I'm going to add a tip without giving me a chance to give it on my own. Then when I did she mentioned the price to me AGAIN like saying my $3 tip wasn't good enough. & that was Sonia who had an attitude with me now, which I didn't understand why. Even the other customers looked shocked over the way they treated me. I was so mad that I didn't even realize she MISSED a lot of hairs on my brows. It was a BAD JOB! I just can't anymore. If your a business you need to realize that your customers come first. Maybe it was because I wasn't Indian like them and the rest of their customers, that's the impression I got. That shouldn't be the case though. Now i will never come here again, I told my mother in law and my friends about my crazy experience, so they won't have our service for sure. I'm not rude at all and I wasn't, even after the way they treated me. I just regretted not telling them how I felt about their service but I figured I just put it in a review instead to warn others. You SHOULD be comfortable and able to TRUST the person you choose to do your eyebrows especially if you are paying them. I wanted to do my lash lift there too and had told her I would come Monday... but that is definitely not HAPPENING!

  • en

    Armeen Rehman


    It has great costumer service

  • Journey to ALLAH

    Journey to ALLAH


    Aweful Service, do not waste your money!

  • kavita Ramsingh

    kavita Ramsingh


    Before the female starting doing my eyebrows She told me it's already messed up. She told me about 10 times my eyebrows are messed up. How rude. I always waxed my upper lip and half of my lip had wax on it. She Seemed new and inexperienced. The other girls are better.

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