Hookah District w Dallas

Stany ZjednoczoneHookah District



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5200, Lemmon Avenue, 75209, Dallas, Dallas County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 214-346-3464
strona internetowej: www.hookahdistrict.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8256883, Longitude: -96.8209537

komentarze 5

  • Stephen Cunningham

    Stephen Cunningham


    Horrible customer service!!! First time i went to the store, i was told that since they didn't have my flavor shisha, they would order it for me. I came back a few days later and placed an order. A month later, after not hearing back on my order, i called in and found out the girl who took my order never put it in but would be doing so that week. Fast forward to today (a couple weeks later) when i call in and find out that they never ordered it and will no longer be taking 'specialty orders'. Really!?!? Since you had my phone number for almost two months, it might have been a good business practice to inform your waiting customer.

  • en

    Dawn Dalcour


    Great place! Clean and well kept. Abass (not sure if I spelled his name correct) was extremely knowledgeable and helpful. I'm definitely returning and sending friends here.

  • Brandon Stowater

    Brandon Stowater


    This place is GREAT !! Not only do they have everything you could imagine needed from a smoke shop, but there staff is amazing and super helpful ! Ariele and Grayson were very helpful and really friendly helping me find what I needed !! I'll defiantly be coming back for not only the products but because there were VERY helpful !

  • Aleisha Nabors

    Aleisha Nabors


    I went in to look at hookah pipes and was in awe with their huge selection of different styles and sizes. Abbas guided me over and mapped me through the assortment of hookah’s so I could find what best fit my needs. I told him my budget and he said he would work with me. The piece I picked out had a defect so Abbas told me he would give me another one I’d been eying for a great discount. He informed me how to set up the hookah, clean it, take it apart, and made sure I had everything necessary to use it properly. Abbas hooked me up! I had a great experience with the super friendly staff, I will definitely be returning and highly recommend this store!

  • Jim Brown

    Jim Brown


    Fantastic shop with a great selection for all your smoking needs. Service was excellent and staff was helpful when doing Christmas shopping even with multiple people needing something. Staff was knowledgeable when asking about things I wasn't familiar with and friendly. The place was clean and didn't have any overpowering smells like some places. Would highly recommend to anyone in the area passing through.

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