Homewood Suites by Hilton Washington, D.C. Downtown i Washington

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1475, Massachusetts Avenue Northwest, 20005, Washington, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakter telefon: +1 202-265-8000
internet side: homewoodsuites3.hilton.com
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Latitude: 38.90653, Longitude: -77.0334506

kommentar 5

  • Cal Armstrong

    Cal Armstrong


    The room is tidy, clean and, although the windows open up into another building, bright and feels airy. However, there is a lack of focus on security (I just said I needed key to room X and they gave it to me. Several people have been caught in the elevator when their keys wouldn't be acknowledged by the system) and the afternoon reception is more like Motel 6 - wine or water, and frozen chicken burgers on a toasted bin advertised as "sliders". Breakfast was much better with a little more selection. The front desk staff have answered any questions but they are not welcoming (I said hello, and good morning, and good afternoon and rarely got an acknowledgement). So likely an okay place to stay if you're cautious and have lower expectations than many of the Hilton properties in used to... Hilton in name but not in execution.

  • en

    Emily Byzewski


    Homewood Suites is on Massachusetts Ave. NE nearthe National Christan Church, the rooms are a good size for five people to sleep and share a room. The breakfast is fair and the service and attentiveness during the social hour is good

  • Stefan Stoyanov

    Stefan Stoyanov


    Приличен хотел на добра локация. Административният център, президентството, музеите Симсониън са на 20 Мин. пеша. В съседство 14 улица, на която има прилични ресторанти и магазини. Стаите са малки студиа и са много удобни. Старо е, но е добре поддържано. Много е неприятно, че прозорците не се отварят и климатичната система е в стаята и е шумна.

  • en

    B E


    Clean, comfy and very well appointed rooms. Comfortable beds. Only problem was the bathroom door was sort of hanging on by one hinge...if you can look past that then your good. In the morning, we arrived to breakfast kinda late. The manager made sure that we had enough of everything including turkey bacon and eggs, which was delicious!

  • en

    Paula Paez


    Jessica at the front desk was AMAZING. She greet us every day with a big smile and took the time to listen to my children even if they got long stories. She made our stay feel like VIP'S. The breakfast was great and the afternoon happy hour was awesome. The room was perfect for 2 kids and one adult . The location is perfect .

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