HomeGoods w Massapequa

Stany ZjednoczoneHomeGoods



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1327, Sunrise Mall, 11758, Massapequa, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-799-0590
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6817156, Longitude: -73.4341504

komentarze 5

  • li若暄



    진짜로 여기의 재료를 좋아해라.!

  • Di Ana

    Di Ana


    It's a pretty big store. They have a great variety of furniture and mirrors. It's kind of crowded that in many areas it is a tight squeeze. This store has the largest clearance selection that I've seen so far among the rest of the home goods in long island. *Handicap accessibility is fair. Some areas are overly crowded but it can be difficult to navigate if you're in a self sufficient wheelchair.

  • Kira Lucas

    Kira Lucas


    Like the store. but found the manger Steve to be very rude. He should Not be a manger if he don't know how to speak to the workers. I would have gave the store a higher scores if it was not for him. Poor customers service. And he asked what was my problem after how poorly he spoke to the stuff. He need to go to some training. All this girl did was stop want she doing, to help with the lines cause the lines was getting long. If anything she should get employee of the month or something. Steve had an attitude about that.

  • en

    Marie Drexler


    Love that Home Goods is in Sunrise Mall but the aisles are so tight you are always bumping into another cart or a display.

  • Steven Boyarsky

    Steven Boyarsky


    HomeGoods is a hit or miss type of place. Went with a giftcard and still didn't buy anything. This one wasn't anything special in terms of location, layout, and upkeep.

najbliższy Dom handlowy

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