Home Maid Service Fair Lawn w Fair Lawn

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7-23, Park Avenue, 07410, Fair Lawn, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-778-4904
strona internetowej: www.homemaidservicenj.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.92967, Longitude: -74.13002

komentarze 2

  • Yekaterina Aslanyan

    Yekaterina Aslanyan


    I was desperate to find someone right before Thanksgiving when I got stuck with a killing back pain and we had already invited a bunch of people to Thanksgiving celebration. Usually I do all cleaning by myself. Oksana appeared to be very compassionate, and agreed to send a coupe of cleaning ladies the following day I called her. Ladies did really good job, regarding organizing, cleaning, they were fast and hard-working. Friendly enough. Why I rated them 4, not 5: I understand the issue with before-the-holiday traffic, but arriving 2 hours late- when we first negotiated 2:30-3 o'clock, and finally, after giving them 3 phone calls, they arrived at 5. We had discussed a price for 2 hours and 4 hours cleaning, and I asked about 3 hours option, Oksana confirmed that 3 hours is also an option. , Ladies worked 2,5 hours sharp- till 7:30, and when I , calculating the price from the option voiced to me over the phone, wanted to pay for 2,5h , the ladies said that it should be for 3 hours, as we initially had discussed 3 hours. When I tried to object that usually when people work 2,5 h they get paid for that time, not for an extra half an hour, but the ladies created some kind of" when we work after 6pm, it is overtime". I really do not know whom I hired overtime. I hired cleaners for 2,5h, at 3pm- whom do I owe overtime and why? Is it my fault they arrived at 5 instead of 3 or even 4? Is it my issue or their employer- to pay them overtime. Please, get me right. The question is not 15 or 30 bucks- though with 13 bucks now you can order a dress or even a down jacket from some websites. The question is: why am I paying for 3 hours for the job done in 2hours and a half? Why do I owe overtime? I have worked as a cleaning lady in Israel 11 years ago- when I was getting hired for 6 hours, and was sometimes staying 1,5 longer, I was refusing to take extra money for that time, saying that it was my fault it took longer. Some compassionate people were still paying me even when I was refusing. But to charge for the work I did not do- I am sorry. ..Too stingy and rude...But the house is clean now- thank you!

  • Jason Diller

    Jason Diller


    Oksana was great! We were very impressed with everything. I would highly recommend!

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