Holographic Studios i New York

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterHolographic Studios



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240, East 26th Street, 10010, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 212-686-9397
internet side: www.holographer.com
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Latitude: 40.7399416, Longitude: -73.9801139

kommentar 5

  • Matthew Richardson

    Matthew Richardson


    The good doctor provides an entertaining tour of the science and art of holography. I'd definitely recommend visiting his studio to others!

  • Christa Curtiss

    Christa Curtiss


    This place is a hidden gem. Dr. Laser is great. He's obviously passionate about what he does. Super friendly guy, and the holograms are awesome.

  • willbmw



    Don't miss this place for a unique and special taste of NYC mostly for the creator of the holographs - Doc laser. We are native NYers and discovered this by accident while trolling through the world wide web for nothing in particular. What makes this special is Doc Laser himself who personally takes you through the history and stories of the museum. While we were there, two visitors arrived - Illya and Andrea. Illya was dressed as a jester (we think) and with his guitar eventually played and sang a song he wrote for Jason. Jason or Doc Laser is one of the pioneers of holography and he is the definition of exuberant. Don't miss this NYC gem.

  • en

    Oc L


    The coolest art of light and the coolest owner! Dr.Laser is fun, generous and insightful

  • Kathy Raudabaugh

    Kathy Raudabaugh


    This place is AWESOME! I would definitely recommend getting the tour. It's well worth the price! Dr. Laser is super funny and puts on quite a show when presenting the science behind holograms. He could be compared to Bill Nye the Science Guy for adults, but I'm sure he could appeal to kids as well. The art in the museum is spectacular, but the lasers shown on the tour are really really cool. You'll learn and see a lot.

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