Hollywood Lanes i Pittsburgh

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterHollywood Lanes



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2961, West Liberty Avenue, 15216, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 412-563-7655
internet side: www.hollywoodlanes.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.393703, Longitude: -80.0354755

kommentar 5

  • MonaLisa Leung Beckford

    MonaLisa Leung Beckford


    My in-laws came and they wanted to go bowling. We came here because it was one of the few bowling alleys that wasn't full that night. It was fun! It's a small place in the basement but they have couches for each lane, the bathrooms are very clean, and the front desk lady was very nice. They also have a smoking area and bar area. We would definitely come again!

  • Norman Freeman

    Norman Freeman


    I loved it! Me and my friends had so much fun! Super nice staff and very welcoming! Definitely will go again!

  • Jason Vogelsberger

    Jason Vogelsberger


    Awesome place! Good fun bowling with a club like atmosphere, live DJ on the weekends, place to dance, pool table and darts too. Definitely not your normal boring bowling alley...

  • Darren Frederick

    Darren Frederick


    The people at Hollywood Lanes are top notch and know how to take care of their customers and give back to the community. We have our bowling here and it is a great time every week. Would recommend this establishment to everyone.

  • en

    Cole Mcmullan


    Such a cool place where multiple generations can come together and have a good time! Its crazy how a high school or college student can come down with there friends and have fun while the guys next to them are laughing talking about how they set pins here when they were our age!

nærmeste Bowlingbaner

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