Hollywood Feed i Lexington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterHollywood Feed



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4078, Finn Way, 40517, Lexington, Fayette County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 859-327-3813
internet side: locations.hollywoodfeed.com
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Latitude: 37.9768103, Longitude: -84.5280266

kommentar 5

  • en

    J Adams


    Great place to buy high quality and top of the line dog food. This place has great prices on higher end dog foods.

  • en

    W Emrick


    I am a dog person and everything I need is right here. Nice variety of top notch foods. Easy in and out. Park across the street at Whole Foods if there is nowhere on the street. Helpful staff.

  • Josh Johnston

    Josh Johnston


    Amazing store with the best selection of let food, pet toys and accessories, and even coffee!!

  • James O Ragsdale

    James O Ragsdale


    Friendly staff. Excellent pet food selection.

  • Gayle Mayberry

    Gayle Mayberry


    The staff is great. Their lower priced, store brand crates are unsafe (wire). They are upscale and the store is pleasant. The crates are not the fault of the staff, who seem to work hard.

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