Hollar Susan DDS, Faacd w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneHollar Susan DDS, Faacd



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2411, Westwood Drive, 76012, Arlington, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-261-3392
strona internetowej: www.susanhollar.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7502019, Longitude: -97.1506149

komentarze 5

  • Sarah Goodson

    Sarah Goodson


    I had my smile done almost 3 years ago by Dr. Hollar. 3 years later I still love my smile!! It was the best thing I have ever done for myself. Her staff is amazing and Dr. Hollar is also wonderful! I have referred several people to Dr. Hollar and will continue to do so. If you have been self conscious because of your smile, please take the time and go and visit them! You won't regret it. I can honestly say I am a different person because of her.

  • Jim Cornehls

    Jim Cornehls


    Dr. Hollar is an internationally recognized cosmetic and restorative dentist who has won countless awards for her work. She is supported by a competent and friendly staff. My treatment by Dr. Hollar has been of high quality in a friendly, professional environment that makes dental care a pleasant experience.

  • en

    Paul Ludwick


    Dr Hollar put in a couple of ceramic onlays on my teeth, back in 1986 (or thereabouts). I had one of them fail right around 1 January 2018. I had no trouble with them before, even through a root canal. So they've lasted over 30 years! I'm 63 now and she is by far the best dentist that I've ever seen!

  • Kim Howard

    Kim Howard


    I had my first appointment with Dr. Hollar and team today and I was beautifully blown away (and that is not easy for me!). Lovely office, wonderful people and over 3 hours of Dr. Hollar's individual time where I really felt nothing else mattered. I feel extraordinarily blessed to have found her. I can't wait for my treatment to begin. Besides being a skilled Dr., she is just a lovely, lovely person. She had beautiful art in her lobby that I was told she did. I didn't realize the importance of that transferable eye until she got to work on me and physically began molding my smile. Cost has always been a driver for me....not today, today I felt like anywhere else I would go could not match what I was a part of and for that, you make it work ;)

  • Christie Williams

    Christie Williams


    Dr. Hollar and her staff are absolutely wonderful. My experience has been great. They have taken great care of me from the very first phone call. I would definitely recommend Dr. Hollar and her team.

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