Holiday Stationstores i Anchorage

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterHoliday Stationstores



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3500, C Street, 99503, Anchorage, Anchorage, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 907-563-2796
internet side:
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Latitude: 61.188556, Longitude: -149.887226

kommentar 5

  • Capt. Jack Sparrow

    Capt. Jack Sparrow


    I come here quite often, gas, and for my $30 a month for unlimited carwashes! The morning and day time staff are very friendly, the night staff is quiet and conservative. But then again can you blame them, with some of the night time customers they have to deal with, kind of puts them on alert and superstitious.

  • en



    These are Great Station stores... Love to frequent them... they are fast and very convenient

  • Hydro Kid

    Hydro Kid


    Come here almost everyday and love the store. However I dislike being asked for change from the homeless daily. I can't even walk in the store without being approached going in and again on the way out. Clean it up holiday. Clearly the " no loitering" sign does no good. I'm going to have to mix it up and start using Tesoro right down the street.

  • en

    Ashley Mowles


    Car wash is horrible. Got the most basic and it didn't even rinse the soap off the car, left tons of soap bubbles on it. C'mon.

  • Randy Houser

    Randy Houser


    Car wash is Great... Gas prices are Great especially when you get .50 cents off a gallon for being a Rewards Member. .. Luv the 2 Hotdogs and Drink... Always a friendly face there..... Management to the cashiers. .. oh, they offer Propane and have Holding dump Site too... Great Place.

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