Holiday Inn Hotel and Suites Anaheim i Anaheim

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterHoliday Inn Hotel and Suites Anaheim



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1240, South Walnut Street, 92802, Anaheim, Orange County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 714-535-0300
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.816656, Longitude: -117.927227

kommentar 5

  • Tiffany Robbins

    Tiffany Robbins


    We stayed here for a week. The rooms were clean and the service was great. They always made sure we had clean towels, our beds were made and that we had k cups for the keurig coffee pot. The splash park was cold but the kids enjoyed it. The pool was clean and the perfect temperature. We LOVED the pool side food and drinks. The restaurant was really good and the prices were even better. Close walk (maybe 10 minutes) to downtown Disney. They also have a small store inside with a ton of different stuff. Also great prices!

  • en

    Angela Laursen


    Great room and service. We got to the hotel early in the day they have a luggage hold so you can go enjoy the city or Disneyland! Then when we were hoping for our room early thwy were able to help us out! Amazing service and very nice employees.

  • Greg S

    Greg S


    The Holiday Inn and Suites is an excellent alternative to a Disney Resort Properly. A short 5 minute walk to Downtown Disney, and another 5 minutes to the main gate. If you're not up for a walk there is a shuttle that comes by every 30 mins for a quick ride to the parks. The hotel is very family orientated and the staff is excellent. The room was very clean and the common areas were also very clean and well maintained. The themed suites are on par with what you'd expect at the Resort hotels. We'd highly recommend staying here and we will stay here again!

  • en

    Faron Abigail


    The rooms, pool, and location are nothing to write home about... However, they aren't bad either. What IS amazing is the service. The staff working in Onyx restaurant were so warm, welcoming, and efficient. Ya''ll should be proud of the service you provide. Your hard work was noticed and appreciated!

  • en

    Tanner Salewich


    Clean, comfortable, great for the family. Staff is great. Restaurant is not so great. Serve free food for kids while dining with parents but food for kids is cheap. Need a few more selections. I would definitely stay again.

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