Holiday Inn Express & Suites I-95 Capitol Beltway-Largo w Largo

Stany ZjednoczoneHoliday Inn Express & Suites I-95 Capitol Beltway-Largo



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9101, Basil Court, 20774, Largo, Prince George's County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 301-636-6090
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.9137647, Longitude: -76.8489687

komentarze 5

  • Rachael Babiracki

    Rachael Babiracki


    This is a typical Holiday Inn Express. A bit older and kind of hard to get to. Overally good service and friendly staff.




    They were so kind and they had shuttles taking us to a metro station. We could of drived, but they were so kind, they have us a ride, free of charge. Their breakfast was great and I stayed in a suite that was very nice. Thank you for making my stay most enjoyable.

  • Christel Nicholson

    Christel Nicholson


    This Holiday Inn Express is only 10.5 miles from the National Mall in Largo, MD. They have a free shuttle that will take you to the Metro (Rapid Transit Train) or out to dinner. We enjoyed our stay even though we really wanted a motel with an indoor pool; theirs was closed for repairs. Good breakfast, too.

  • en

    Justine King


    The customer service I received at the front desk was wonderful and I really appreciated it. However it came to my attention that my bedding had mites or something similar. My stay was brief and necessary so instead of leave early I had to sleep on top of the blanket so I wouldn't be covered in bites. It also snowed during my stay and the parking lot didn't get paved or shoveled so it was covered in ice and snow. Clearly they call this hotel express for a reason--it's convenient for a quick overnight stay, but make it snappy!

  • Sarah Jorgensen

    Sarah Jorgensen


    We got there yesterday before the Redskins game and told them we were going to park there during the game and they were okay with that. Once we returned from the game and were able to check in, they upgraded us to a suite! Everyone at the hotel was so nice during our stay. The breakfast was probably the best included breakfast I’ve ever had, lots of options for everyone.

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