Hohokam Stadium i Mesa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterHohokam Stadium


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1235, North Center Street, 85201, Mesa, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 480-644-4451
internet side: www.hohokamstadium.com
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Latitude: 33.4387693, Longitude: -111.829657

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kelly Schramm


    Nice smaller stadium. We went there for a spring training game. It seems like the net behind the batter was not as high as some places because a couple of people were hit by fly balls. Decent food selection and nice fold down seats rather than bleachers.

  • Alex L.

    Alex L.


    Pretty awesome! My first time at a Spring Training game & it was so much fun! Hohokam is so pretty. :) It's warm and inviting. Definitely have to come back again!

  • en

    Richard Radcliffe


    Great Park. Not a bad seat in the house. Very nice staff. Clean, lots of great food, plenty of shade. Get you’re butts over here for a game!

  • Jonathan Zaccaro

    Jonathan Zaccaro


    This is a nice place to catch a Spring Training game. It has a nice, kind of old-time ballpark feel. There's plenty of shaded seats in the 200s sections. There are lots of food options. I enjoyed the chicken strips at Grill Masters. The staff is very friendly and helpful.

  • Cyndi Olivas

    Cyndi Olivas


    We left the bay area almost 4 years ago. The Athletics spring training brings us a little bit of home. The lawn is great. Food spots are awesome. love the new Hohokam sign.

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